C. Boutsikas, P. Drineas and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Small Singular Values Can Increase in Lower Precision
T.W. Reid, I.C.F. Ipsen, J. Cockayne, and C.J. Oates:
Statistical properties of the probabilistic numeric solver BayesCG
Numer. Math., to appear
K.J. Pearce, I.C.F. Ipsen, M.A. Haider, A.K. Saibaba
and R.C. Smith:
Robust Parameter Sensitivity Analysis via Column Subset Selection
E. Hallman, I.C.F. Ipsen and A.K. Saibaba:
Monte Carlo Methods for Estimating the Diagonal of a Symmetric Matrix
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 22, no. 1, pp 240-269 (2023)
E. Hallman and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Precision-aware Deterministic and Probabilistic Error Bounds for
Floating Point Summation
Numer. Math., vol. 155, pp 83-119 (2023)
J.T. Chi, I.C.F. Ipsen, T.-H. Hsiao, C.-H. Lin,
L.-S. Wang, W.-P. Lee, T.-P. Lu, and J.-Y. Tzeng:
SEAGLE: A Scalable Exact Algorithm for Large-Scale Set-based
GxE Tests in Biobank Data,
Frontiers in Genetics vol. 12, pp 1878 (2021)
Software on github
J. Cockayne, I.C.F. Ipsen, J. Cockayne, C.J. Oates and
T.W. Reid:
Probabilistic Iterative Methods for Linear Systems
J. Mach. Learn. Res., vol. 22 (232), pp 1-34 (2021)
T.W. Reid, I.C.F. Ipsen, J. Cockayne, and C.J. Oates:
BayesCG as an uncertainty aware version of CG
J.T. Chi and I.C.F. Ipsen:
A Projector-Based Approach to Quantifying Total and Excess
Uncertainties for Sketched Linear Regression
Inf. Inference, vol. 11, no. 3, pp 1055-1077 (2021)
J.T. Chi and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Multiplicative Perturbation Bounds for Multivariate Multiple Linear Regression in Schatten p-Norms
Linear Algebra Appl. vol. 624, pp 87--102 (2021)
I.C.F. Ipsen, and H. Zhou:
Probabilistic Error Analysis for Inner Products
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 41, no. 4, pp 1726--1741 (2020)
J. Cockayne, C.J. Oates, I.C.F. Ipsen, and M. Girolami:
A Bayesian Conjugate Gradient Method (with Discussion)
Bayesian Anal., vol. 14, no. 3, pp 937-1012 (2019)
BA Webinar
S. Bartels, J. Cockayne, I.C.F. Ipsen
and P. Hennig:
Probabilistic Linear Solvers: A Unifying View
Stat. Comput., vol. 29, number 6, pp 1249-1263 (2019)
P. Drineas and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Low-Rank Approximations Do Not Need a Singular Value Gap
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 40, no. 1, pp 299-319 (2019)
D. Frame, R. He, I.C.F. Ipsen, D.D. Lee, D.J. Lee, and
E. Rrapaj:
Eigenvector Continuation with Subspace Learning
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 121, no. 3, pp 032501 (2018)
Featured in Physics: Making Quantum Calculations Behave
NC State News:
Following the Path: Making Huge Calculations Predictable
Michigan State, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory:
Chasing down eigenvectors
J.T. Holodnak, I.C.F. Ipsen and R.C. Smith:
A Probabilistic Subspace Bound with Appplication to Active Subspaces
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 39, no. 3, pp 1208-1220 (2018)
P. Drineas, I.C.F. Ipsen, E.-M. Kontopoulou and
M. Magdon-Ismail:
Structural Convergence Results for Approximation of Dominant
Subspaces from Block Krylov Spaces
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 39, no. 2, pp 567-586 (2018)
A.K. Saibaba, A. Alexanderian and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Randomized Matrix-Free Trace and Log-Determinant Estimators
Numer. Math., vol. 137, pp 353-395 (2017)
S. Gallopoulos, P. Drineas, I.C.F. Ipsen and M.W. Mahoney:
RandNLA, Pythons, and the CUR for your Data Problems: Reporting from
G2S3 in Delphi
SIAM News, vol. 49, no. 1, pp 7-8 (2016)
J.T. Holodnak, I.C.F. Ipsen and R.C. Smith:
Accuracy of Response Surfaces over Active Subspaces Computed with
Random Sampling
J. Guinness and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Efficicent Computation of Gaussian Likelihoods for Stationary Markov
Random Field Models
J.T. Holodnak, I.C.F. Ipsen and T. Wentworth:
Conditioning of Leverage Scores and Computation by QR
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 36, no. 3, pp 1143-1163 (2015)
J. T. Holodnak and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Randomized Approximation of the Gram Matrix: Exact Computation and
Probabilistic Bounds
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 36, no. 1, pp 110-137 (2015)
I.C.F. Ipsen and T. Wentworth:
T. Wentworth and I.C.F. Ipsen:
I.C.F. Ipsen and T. Wentworth:
S. Eriksson-Bique, M. Solbrig, M. Stefanelli, S. Warkentin,
R. Abbey, and I.C.F. Ipsen:
C.T. Kelley, I.C.F. Ipsen and S.R. Pope:
Rank-Deficient and Ill-Conditioned Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
R. Rehman and I.C.F. Ipsen:
La Budde's Method for Computing Characteristic Polynomials
R. Rehman and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Computing Characteristic Polynomials from Eigenvalues
I.C.F. Ipsen:
The Eigenproblem and Invariant Subspaces:
Perturbation Theory
I.C.F. Ipsen, C.T. Kelley, S.R. Pope:
Rank-Deficient Nonlinear Least Squares Problems and Subset
M.E. Broadbent, M. Brown, and K. Penner
(advisors: I.C.F. Ipsen and R. Rehman):
Subset Selection Algorithms: Randomized vs. Deterministic
I.C.F. Ipsen and T.M. Selee:
Ergodicity Coefficients Defined by Vector Norms
I.C.F. Ipsen and B. Nadler:
Refined Perturbation Bounds for Eigenvalues of Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Matrices
R.S. Wills and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Ordinal Ranking for Google's PageRank
I.C.F. Ipsen and R. Rehman:
Perturbation Bounds for Determinants and Characteristic Polynomials
I.C.F. Ipsen and T. M. Selee:
PageRank Computation, with Special Attention to Dangling Nodes
K.I. Dickson, C.T. Kelley, I.C.F. Ipsen and I.G. Kevrekidis:
Condition Estimates for Pseudo-Arclength Continuation
I.C.F. Ipsen and R.S. Wills:
Mathematical Properties and Analysis of Google's PageRank
D.E. Finkel, C. Kuster, M. Lasater, R. Levy,
J.P. Reese and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Communicating Applied Mathematics: Four Examples
I.C.F. Ipsen and S. Kirkland:
Convergence Analysis of a PageRank Updating Algorithm by Langville
and Meyer
I.C.F. Ipsen and D.J. Lee:
Determinant Approximations
I.C.F. Ipsen:
Accurate Eigenvalues for Fast Trains
D.J. Lee and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Zone Determinant Expansions for Nuclear Lattice Simulations
I.C.F. Ipsen:
A Note on Unifying Absolute and Relative Perturbation Bounds
C. Beattie and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Inclusion Regions for Matrix Eigenvalues
I.C.F. Ipsen:
Ritz Value Bounds that Exploit Quasi-Sparsity
I.C.F. Ipsen:
Departure from Normality and Eigenvalue Perturbation Bounds
I.C.F. Ipsen:
A Note on Preconditioning Non-Symmetric Matrices
I.C.F. Ipsen:
An Overview of Relative sin(Theta) Theorems
for Invariant Subspaces of Complex Matrices
I.C.F. Ipsen:
Absolute and Relative Perturbation Bounds for Invariant Subspaces
of Matrices
I.C.F. Ipsen:
Expressions and Bounds for the Residual in GMRES
J.M. Banoczi, N.-C. Chiu, G.E. Cho, and I.C.F. Ipsen:
I.C.F. Ipsen:
Relative Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Eigenvalues and
Singular Values
S.C. Eisenstat and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Three Absolute Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Eigenvalues Imply
Relative Bounds
S.C. Eisenstat and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Relative Perturbation Results for Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of
Diagonalisable Matrices
I.C.F. Ipsen:
A Different Approach to Bounding the Minimal Residual Norm
in Krylov Methods (1998)
I.C.F. Ipsen and C.D. Meyer:
The Idea Behind Krylov Methods
I.C.F. Ipsen:
A Note on the Field of Values of a Non-Normal Matrix
G.E. Cho and I.C.F. Ipsen:
If a Matrix Has Only a Single Eigenvalue, How
Sensitive Is This Eigenvalue? II (1998)
I.C.F. Ipsen:
Computing an Eigenvector with Inverse Iteration
G.E. Cho and I.C.F. Ipsen:
If a Matrix Has Only a Single Eigenvalue, How Sensitive
Is This Eigenvalue? (1997)
I.C.F. Ipsen:
Helmut Wielandt's Contribution to the Numerical Solution
of Complex Eigenvalue Problems
I.C.F. Ipsen:
A History of Inverse Iteration
S.L. Campbell, I.C.F. Ipsen, C.T. Kelley and C.D. Meyer:
GMRES and the Minimal Polynomial
S.C. Eisenstat and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Relative Perturbation Techniques for Singular Value Problems
I.C.F. Ipsen and C.D. Meyer:
The Angle Between Complementary Subspaces
I.C.F. Ipsen and C.D. Meyer:
Uniform Stability of Markov Chains
S.C. Eisenstat and I.C.F. Ipsen:
Relative Perturbation Bounds for Eigenspace Singular
Vector Subspaces
S. Chandrasekaran and I.C.F. Ipsen:
On the Singular Value Decomposition of Triangular Matrices
Sensitivity of Leverage Scores and Coherence for Randomized Matrix Algorithms
Extended abstract, Workshop on Advances in Matrix Functions
and Matrix Equations, Manchester, UK, 10-12 April 2013
Kappa_SQ: A Matlab Package for Randomized
Sampling of Matrices with Orthonormal Columns
The Effect of Coherence on Sampling from Matrices with Orthonormal
Columns, and Preconditioned Least Squares Problems
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 35, no. 4, pp 1490-1520 (2014)
Matlab code: kappa_SQ_v3
Importance Sampling for a Monte Carlo Matrix Multiplication
Algorithm, with Application to Information Retrieval
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 33, no. 4, pp 1689-1706 (2011)
Proc. 2010 East Asian SIAM Conference, to appear
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 32, no. 1, pp 90-114 (2011)
in G.W. Stewart: Selected Works with Commentaries,
Kilmer, M. E. and O'Leary, D. P., eds,
Birkhäuser, pp 71-93 (2010)
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., vol. 49, no. 3, pp 1244-1266 (2011)
SIAM Undergraduate Research Online, vol. 3, 22 pages (May 2010)
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 32, no. 1, pp 153-200 (2011)
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 31, no. 1, pp 40-53 (2009)
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 30, no. 4, pp 1677-1696 (2009)
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 30, no. 2, pp 762-776 (2008)
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 29, no. 4, pp 1281-1296 (2007)
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., vol. 45, no. 1, pp 263-276 (2007)
Bol. Soc. Esp. Mat. Apl., vol. 34, pp 191-196 (2006)
SIAM Rev., vol. 48, no. 2, pp 359-389 (2006)
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 27, no. 4, pp 952-67 (2006)
SIAM News, vol. 37, no. 9, pp 1-2 (2004)
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 68, pp 064003 (2003)
Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 358, no. 1-3, pp 239-53 (2003)
Linear Algebra Appl.,
vol. 358, no. 1-3, pp 281-91 (2003)
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 23, no. 3, pp 1050-1 (2001)
J. Comput. Appl. Math.,
vol. 123, no. 1-2, pp 131-53 (2000)
Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 309,
no. 1-3, pp 45-56 (2000)
BIT, vol. 40, no. 3, pp 524-33 (2000)
The Lack of Influence of the Right-Hand Side on the Accuracy of Linear
System Solution
SIAM J. Sci. Comput.,
vol. 20, no.1, pp 203-27 (1999)
in: Acta Numerica 1998, vol. 7, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, pp 151-201 (1998)
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.,
vol. 20, no. 1, pp 149-58 (1998)
BIT, vol 38, no. 3
pp 502-9 (1998)
Amer. Math. Monthly, vol. 105, no. 10, pp 889-99 (1998)
SIAM Review, vol. 39, no. 2, pp 254-91 (1997)
in: Helmut Wielandt, Mathematische Werke, Mathematical Works,
Vol. 2: Linear Algebra and Analysis
B. Huppert and H. Schneider, eds.,
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp 453-63 (1996)
in: Helmut Wielandt, Mathematische Werke, Mathematical Works,
Vol. 2: Linear Algebra and Analysis
B. Huppert and H. Schneider, eds.,
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp 464-72 (1996)
BIT, vol. 36, no. 4, pp 664-75 (1996)
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., vol. 32, no. 6, pp 1972-88 (1995)
Amer. Math. Monthly,
vol. 102, no. 10, pp 904-11 (1995)
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.,
vol. 15, no. 4, pp 1061-74 (1994)
Applied Linear Algebra, SIAM, Philadelphia, pp 62-5 (1994)
in: Numerical Linear Algebra,
China Science and Technology Press, Jiang Er-xiong, ed.,
pp 85-9 (1994)